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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

(ANTARA / Andika Wahyu / Koz / nz) Medan (ANTARA News) - People are encouraged cautious in using plastic to encase a hot liquid food because the elements of the plastic is harmful to the body. Researchers from the State University of Medan, Joseph M Hasibuan to ANTARA in Medan, Sunday, say, plastic packaging often used to conceal the goods traders can cause cancer. Once examined, it appeared that the plastic contains Pemlastis Dioktilfalat (DOP) which is known from nature-based plastic toksisitas test karsinogenik. In addition, the DOP also comes from oil which is very harmful to the human body and can cause many chronic diseases, he said. Based on the DOP test contamination in the media note oil (mineral oil) of 4.0670 percent, and water contamination in the media of 0.0939. Pemlastis DOP is heated in the media can cause contamination of oil is higher than the heating, because of contamination after heating DOP reached 4.5893 percent. So, when the noodles or the like that disaji the summer and wrapped with plastic packaging is very dangerous for health, because it contains super toksit (highly toxic). "The hot water in the plastic, the more danger, because the level of contamination will be higher," he said. If you want to enjoy a meatball, for example, community disaranka to eat at the place so it does not need wrapped. If you want wrapped, continued, safe use of packaging, so that does not cause the things you do not want the body to health. Meatball Traders Market Center in Medan, Erwin said, during the time when there is a meatball buy to take home, sometimes wrapped with the plastic packaging. He confessed, did not know about the dangers of a subject in the plastic when used as a wrapper in the hot meatball. "Once I know this certainly will not use it again and the buyer and seller meatball lain akan let me," he said. source :



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