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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia's national boxer, Chris John, admitted satisfaction can beat Rocky Juarez in Las Vegas, United States, Saturday (19 / 9). With the victory, Rocky Juarez could not be challenged again to fight featherweight champion belt (57.1 kg) WBA version.

Even Chris John wins this time has a new significance for the first time to maintain the belt champion in the "Country Uncle Sam", although it is not the first fight against Juarez. Previously two fighters that fought on February 28, 2009 in Houston, United States, but the fight end in a draw.

The fight had re-designed on both June 27, but failed to spread because of a sudden Chris John ill. And, in the fight in Las Vegas last week, Chris John proves toughness in victory absolute numbers.

"In the last fight I did feel heavier. Juarez looks more determined to win because this is the last chance he had. When defeat means he did not have another chance to challenge me," says Chris John arriving in Jakarta, Tuesday.

The severity of the battle was drawn from the face Chris John is quite severe injuries, especially on the two jet-black eyes from harsh blows Juarez.

Appearances Chris John in Las Vegas this time rather terbeda with previous appearances. For the first time his wife, Anna Maria Megawati, directly witnessed the fight her husband. Had emerged thought his wife's presence as a sign of defeat Chris John. But, in reality, the other spoke.

"I was quite helpful with the presence of Mega. At the very least, he meets my needs. On the other hand, I also enjoy peace of mind," continued Chris John.

The arrival of Chris John in Jakarta also welcomed by the Minister of Youth and Sports Adhyaksa Dault. On behalf of the Government, he said a sense of pride in accomplishments that have been shown to Chris John's unbeaten 11 times.
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