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Tuesday, August 18, 2009, Makassar: Towards the holy month of Ramadan Kelurahan Bontoduri, Makassar, South Sulawesi, a while ago, the ritual called the decline troops songkabala. Events that followed hundreds of people was held in addition to exist thanks to the Lord, to be able to avoid the people's misfortune.

The ceremony began with the customary prayer together. Locals believe the ritual songkobala also able to clean the soul. Ritual songkabala ends in the ancient cemetery of the village.

Not far different with the people around the cemetery complex of Sunan Giri in Gresik, East Java. They barikan or send a prayer warrior for Islam is buried in the cemetery of Sunan Giri. Ritual routine every year this is that Muslims can run fast with the devout worship.

Ritual begins with a beat kentung teter. Hundreds of people began to children up to the parents to bring tumpeng rice and produce. They walk towards Bukit Kukusan, the location of graves of Nyi Ageng Kukusan Ratu Ayu binti Ainul Yakin, daughter to two of Sunan Giri. There, the people with prayers and accompanied strain shalawatan tambourine music.
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