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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This time we will make a twisted effect on the image (Image Tweak), where the image / picture will move when exposed to the highlight or cursor. How do I make it? Okay, without any great length make it please follow STEP 2 below:
First Steps
Go to the "Dashboard" continue "Layout" then "Edit HTML". To berjaga2 from hal2 who do not want, do not forget to backup your template. The trick, first click / check the box for "Expand Widget Templates" then click "Download Full Template" and then Save on to your computer.
Step II
Find CSS code below on your blog template:

    . Post img (
    padding: 4px;
    border: 0px solid $ borderColor;

Step III

If you have found the code above, now replace the code with the code below:

    . Post img: hover (
    position: relative;
    top: 1px;
    left: 1px;

Note: The number one on the code above (top and left) can you change its value according to your wishes. The greater the value the farther the image will also be shifted.

Step IV

As a final step, save, or save your template. Now any image / images on the blog you are going to move when touched by the cursor.



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