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Monday, July 13, 2009

Kuala Lumpur - Government of Malaysia, on Tuesday, says there are 62 new cases of influenza A/H1N1 flu or pigs in this country so that the total now 772.
Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai, as quoted local media, decompile, 62 new cases, the case is a case of 28 imported cases and 34 other cases of transmission is in the country.
From that amount, 70 percent or 11 people are still treated in the hospital and 702 patients have been allowed to recover fully and leave the hospital, he said.
One primary school in the state of Terengganu had to leave after two students positively affected by the virus kill.
In Malaysia, the virus that attacks the many school and college students, including four students Mara
University of Technology, Malacca, three of which are quarantined in the campus dormitories, said Minister of Health Malaysia.

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