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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

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After Suramadu, So What's More?

Wednesday, 3 June 2009 | 08:23 WIB
Suramadu - "Labor experts and Indonesian construction workers have been able to build bridges Bentang long. After building Suramadu bridge (5,438 meters), we are ready to build a bridge anywhere, "said Danis H Sumadilaga, Director of the Directorate General of Bina Teknik Bina Marga Department of Public Works.

Thursday (28 / 5), while the main bridge menapaki Bentang Suramadu, Kompas also saw Chinese workers home, as the consequences of the loan.

Their positive presence. China experience to build more bridges to build infrastructure after humming. Consequently, they have now seized technology. Although, Danis said, technology must be learned again, and applied.

Bridge cable stay bridge Suramadu not only learned the contractor Indonesia, but the PU officials, academics, and students.

Tuntasnya Suramadu have in front of the eye. This weekend, stayed bridge approach pave the Surabaya. Almost certainly, the bridge was on Wednesday (10 / 6) by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

However, the development of the bridge waiting for the other islands of this country. Bridges not only connect the islands, but "step over" rivers, selebar thousands of meters.

Now, design a bridge PU "long" Tayan (1,200 meters) in West Kalimantan. The goal for the economy south of West Kalimantan. When the bridge is complete, the journey across the Trans-Kalimantan Samarinda-Balikpapan-Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Pontianak not obstructed Kapuas River.

"We also intend to build bridge-Serangan Tanjung Benoa. Are calculated for the altitude ideally ships pass under the bridge and the aircraft is low in the Tanjung Benoa before landing at the Ngurah Rai, "said Danis.

So now, the nation is able to build a long bridge with no support other countries, with no record of the funds. No it does not matter if the imported material. For the study of Suramadu, 30 percent of China's material production, such as cable stayed, due to not achieving economies of scale when made in Indonesia.

High optimism build bridges long late merasuki many local governments. There are plans Kendari Bay Bridge (700 meters), in Southeast Sulawesi; Penajam bridge (4,000 meters) in Balikpapan Bay; and Nunukan bridge (4,200 meters) in East Kalimantan. Not to mention, megaproyek Selat Sunda Bridge (31 kilometers), berbiaya Rp 92 trillion. Bridge that will connect Java and Sumatra.

Incentives need to

After thorough Suramadu, said members of the House of Representatives, Nusyirwan Soejono, Madura should be able to regenerate the local economy. "If in some period of growth at the Surabaya greater than the Madurese, meaning the bridge failed," he said.

Nusyirwan spare bridge Barelang (Pulau-Pulau Batam Island Rempang-Galang). "Sorry, we do so after the bridge, there is no bump in the economy there," he said.

Madura industrial development area (600 hectares) and the foot-bridge legs of each of 600 ha, has been targeted by the government. An area will not develop if there is no perangsangnya.

There must be incentives, ease of licensing, and business certainty. Without it, many do not expect economic Madura melejit despite Suramadu bridge.

Do not leave the bridge, just so iconic in east Java. Hopefully the presence of bridges Suramadu can improve the welfare of Madura.

Source: Kompas Cetak
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