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Saturday, June 20, 2009

 tyasno sudarto
Tyasno Sudarto

Solo-National education has been lost because of the spirit left the nation and character building, and only pursue the development of intelektualitas only.

The former military general purpose (Purn) Tyasno Sudarto said that the speech Dies Natalis XXIX Slamet Riyadi University of Surakarta (Unisri) in the Campus Kadipiro, Solo, Saturday.

"Son of the students now printed a smart robot-robot, or intellectual workers even heaver heaver-productive time. The development of talent and personality and moral character be," said Tyasno.

Furthermore, Tyasno also regrets that education is now inseparable from the culture of the nation and even dikomersialisasikan, so many children that the nation can not continue because of high school.

"Education is now equated with the land business, and education must be free of the soul, mind and energy of the students," he said.

Tyasno also revealed "a culture adiluhung recessive and lost little by little understood by individualism and materialism. And the spirit of unity and Bhineka Tunggal Ika replaced with a competitive spirit so excessive that threaten the integrity of the nation."

He was criticizing foreign ownership in the financial sector is allowed up to 99 percent, in the communications sector 98 percent, transportation 95 percent, retail sector nine basic materials and 95 percent for the plantation sector to foreign ownership to 95 percent, as well as drinking water for 95 percent.

"Economics and finance of this nation does not feel has been largely by foreign forces. This is possible because there are rules and regulations shifted precisely aligned to sing, not to the people," he said.

According Tyasno, the rules of the foreign law has opened opportunities for entry of foreign forces in all areas.

"This is how powerful imperialist country drive clutches in the country then we suck all the wealth of nature, economy and destroy our culture," he said

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