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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

JAKARTA - Twin Otter aircraft owned by airlines Aviastar lost in flight from Dekai to Wamena, Papua, yesterday, up to now has not been found.
This morning, the combination of the SAR also return to the last location at Wamena Airport can still contact the plane.
"The SAR landing attempt near the location, but also has not been met," said Director Aviastar Bayu Sutanto to okezone, Tuesday (30/6/2009).
However, at this time, the effort had suspended the search because of bad weather. In addition to using the aircraft, the search is also done using satellites and airplanes that travel around the location.
"The point we are looking to meet. Hopefully can meet soon," he said.
As known, Aviastar aircraft lost contact with the Airport of Wamena, Papua, the last known around Kurima District, Papua. Lost contact due to bad weather is estimated to occur 15 minutes before the Wamena Airport.



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